samoyed stink

Why Does My Samoyed Stink After a Bath?

Do Samoyeds Smell? How to Prevent a Samoyed from Stinking

Every dog has a peculiar smell depending on its breed. The bad news is that most dogs emit an odor all the time. The good news is that Samoyeds stink less than other dogs. While there are multiple reasons behind a dog’s smell, the essential thing to remember is to groom it well. Most dogs smell even after bath, but it’s probably a particular odor rather than a bad smell. Before doing something about it, you need to be aware of the different types of dog smell.


Types of Dog Odor:

  • Rotten Fruit or Musty odor
    When your dog gives out the smell of rotten fruit or stale food, it usually comes from its skin. It happens if you haven’t bathed it for a long time, or it has developed some skin problems or an ear infection. In case your dog’s skin is naturally oily, it will require frequent bathing and drying. If it is done improperly, a dog smells bad even after bath. Other times, your dog may be playing or meddling in the garbage-strewn area.
  • Scented Smell Dogs have a distinct odor that is generally produced near their paws, ears, or nose. If the smell is light to moderate in intensity, it’s just the result of normal secretions. But a few dogs have a strong or dominating kind of smell.
  • Fish Smell
    Usually, dogs smell like fish when its scented odor exceeds its healthy limits. When a dog is frightened or feels threatened, it may smell like that for a while. A dog’s anal sacs generate this type of smell. If your Samoyed is persistently emanating a fish odor, it may be having trouble in its anal glands.
  • Stinky Breath
    Just like humans, dogs release stinky breath odor due to oral issues. There may be a bacterial deposit on your Samoyed’s teeth, or it is suffering from gum disease. If dental hygiene is not an issue, then your pet must have consumed something unpleasant. In a few cases, a dog’s foul breath is a symptom of severe health disease.

What causes Samoyed Smell Bad?

Generally, your Sammy exudes less odor compared to the rest of the dogs. But when they do, it is because of similar reasons. The exception is that a Samoyed may smell due to some health issues which it is usually more prone to. Because of a thick furry coat, Sammy demands more significant grooming and hygiene essentials. Also, it is vulnerable to getting skin allergies and dental diseases, if not properly taken care of. Skin problems and poor oral health form the major causes of smell in a Samoyed.


Further, Samoyeds are meant to exercise a lot. It explains their playful and energetic nature. If not exercised well, they become susceptible to gastric issues, diabetes, and several other diseases. A consistent stinky smell is an indicator of major health problems in Sammies. Additionally, it is recommended to feed them with a nutritious and well-balanced diet.

How to Prevent Samoyed Stinking?

Samoyeds dogs need care and proper grooming. Given below are some of the tips to prevent a Samoyed from stinking:

  • If you are using dog-specific shampoos and similar products, your Sammy should not smell at all.
  • Furry dogs are more likely to catch dirt, worms, and mites than other dogs. Since it has a quite bushy fur, ensure that you brush it regularly. If necessary, use more than one type of brush or comb.
  • While bathing a Samoyed or brushing its double coat, always check if it attracts any fleas or ticks. The earlier such issue is detected, the better, since Sammy doesn’t do well with skin problems.
  • Keep a close eye on your Samoyed. Its superactive nature may take it to contaminated sites, resulting in picking up some unpleasant odor.
  • All dogs are tempted to food. But unlike others, a Samoyed is prone to digestive and dental health problems, which also cause stinky breath. So, it is crucial that you don’t let him eat any wrong stuff. Besides, it is advised to brush your Sammy’s teeth once or twice per week.

No doubt, your Sammy is extremely adorable and friendly. But its amicable adventures may land it in trouble if it gets engaged with worm-infected animals. 

How to Get Rid of Samoyed Body Odor?

A common cause of dog’s pungent smell is its oily skin. samoyed stinkAnd if your dog has developed some skin allergy, its sebaceous glands produce more oil than usual. This results in an intensely bad body odor. So, the first and easiest way is to brush its coat well. It will remove the dead hair cells that accumulate the stink. Dogs generally require frequent brushing during the times when they shed their fur excessively. If possible, brush your Samoyed daily then.


If your dog’s odor doesn’t go away with special dog shampoos, you may need to figure out its skin type and resistance to some chemicals. Asking for a veterinarian’s suggestion would be a good idea here.


In another case, it may be your dog’s ears that haven’t been cleaned for a long time. Clearing its ear wax will eliminate smells caused by the breeding microorganisms. Finally, don’t forget to change and wash its bedding on a regular basis.

How Often to Bath a Samoyed?

Bathing a Samoyed is a time-consuming task, but it is worth the effort if you want your Sammy to stay healthy. Healthy and fit Samoyeds smell very little. Samoyeds can go without a bath for months. Usually, they need to be bathed once in 3-6 months. Mature Sammy requires more frequent baths than a younger one. But if your pet is used to rolling on unclean areas, you will have to go the extra mile and bathe it on a weekly basis. The frequency of its bathing may also vary due to weather, the temperature outside, and climate. Further, they shed more hair if

they are bathed more than required.


Besides, keep in mind that a Samoyed needs thorough drying after a bath. Use a dryer or let him dry naturally in a warm environment. Ideally, it’s best to make use of warm air to dry a Sammy. Sometimes, it may take one full day to dry its fur. Once dried, you can brush its coat.

What to do if Samoyed Stinks even after Bath?

The most common reason behind a Samoyed stinking after bath is moisture retention. In other words, its coat hasn’t dried completely. Moist hair is a perfect ground for smell-causing bacteria to grow. If your Sammy’s coat doesn’t appear light, airy, and shining naturally, it might not be dry or has developed some health issues.


If the reason is just dryness, follow a proper drying process involving the use of towels, dryer, and an appropriate brush. Pay special attention to areas of its body where the density of hair is higher. Grooming should be complete with its nail trimming, ear cleaning, and efficient dental routine. In case the smell doesn’t get back to normal in a day or two, you may need to consult a vet to check for any infection or other diseases.


Related Questions:

What do I do if my dog resists bathing strongly?

Just like kids, dogs resist bathing at a younger age. The trick is to begin early so that your dog’s comfort level improves with age. The preliminary step is to make him happy before you take him for a bath. Let him engage in his favorite activity, be it a walk or a play. After that, initiate the bathing custom with small steps. For example, putting a little amount of water in the tub, so that the dog gets only his feet or legs wet. Then gradually increase the water level as he starts feeling comfortable.

Sometimes dogs express discomfort due to the temperature of water. Make sure that the water is lukewarm or at normal room temperature. Also, be careful while using any shampoo or conditioner on him for the first time. Some dogs display irritation because of the skin reaction caused by an unsuitable product.

Can frequent bathing harm my dog? But what do I do if it gets dirty daily?

It is generally not recommended to bathe any dog daily. Cleaning it frequently with  shampoo/soap removes the essential natural oils from its coat. These oils protect a dog’s skin from bacteria and other microbial infections.Also, bathing products contain chemicals that usually give harsh reactions if used often.


In case your dog gets dirty daily, opt for spot cleaning. Wash only those parts of your Samoyed that look unclean. If there is not too much dirt, you may use only water for cleaning and skip other products. While some dogs immediately exhibit skin problems with frequent bathing, others show similar signs after a few months. Either way, it’s best to avoid bathing your dog more than once a week.