samoyed overheated temperature

What Temperatures Can Samoyeds Withstand?

Samoyeds are meant for the cold Siberian weather but that does not mean that they cannot thrive in warm climates. However, this arctic breed can get overheated sometimes and it is important to know what to do in situations like these. First, you need to know when your Samoyed is overheated.

They start to pant more excessively and look uncomfortable and restless when they are feeling too warm. They may start barking and scratching to come inside where it is cooler. In very bad situations, their tongue and gums may begin to turn bright red with an increased heart rate and glazed eyes.

Samoyeds in warm temperatures

This dog breed is very prone to dehydration in warmer climates. Many Samoyed owners struggle with this problem. How to keep your Samoyed healthy and happy especially in hot weather? Below is a detailed sketch of what you can do when the warm winds start blowing. Is your Samoyed dehydrated? Is your Samoyed overheated? Keep reading below to find out the best solutions to these problems.

Why do Samoyeds overheat?

Before we dive into what you can do as a Samoyed owner let us first understand why exactly they are as they are. Samoyeds is an Arctic dog that was bred in Siberia, Russia. These dogs can survive in temperatures way below the freezing point. As nature has it, they adapted to this climate by having thick coats of fur.

Samoyeds have a double layer of fur which helps keep them warm. The Samoyed coat is made up of an inner layer of shorter hair and the outer layer of long, straight hair. The Samoyed short coat is much more dense and short. This hair is very fluffy and soft and it acts as the prime insulator. The outer layer of the fur is much longer. It is less dense than the inner coat and much coarser. The function of the two layers is different. The inner coat insulates and the outer coat protects from sunlight.

The fur is usually white which helps them reflect light easily. This is one unique feature of the Samoyed coat. Due to the whiteness of the fur, sunlight is unable to penetrate to their skin.

What temperatures can Samoyeds withstand?

Samoyeds are amazing dogs that have great abilities, especially when it comes to weather and climate. These dogs can withstand temperatures of -22 to -50 degrees Fahrenheit (-30 to -45 °C). Even though Samoyeds are winter dogs, it can get a little too frosty for them so try not to leave them out in the wintertime. In comparison to other short-haired arctic dogs, Samoyeds can still adjust quite well to warm temperatures. They can survive in temperatures of up to 86 degrees Fahrenheit (ca. 30 °C). If the temperature goes higher than this, then it is best to keep them indoors with the AC turned on.

The main reason Samoyeds can adjust better in warmer climates is because of their coat. The loner stands of the outer coat keep the sunlight away from their skin which in turn helps them keep cool. If your Samoyed is staying inside with the AC turned on, then there is no problem with warm weather.

Can Samoyeds live in hot weather?

Samoyeds can survive warm temperatures. If you are someone who has fallen in love with the smiley Sammy then knowing that they will survive in your climate is a good feeling.

When the outside temperature goes above 30 Celcius degrees or 86 degrees Fahrenheit, it is best to bring your Samoyed inside to keep them cool. During times like these, when the temperature is crossing the optimum for your Samoyed, remember to give them plenty of water. You do not want to find your Samoyed dehydrated, right?

Adaptations that help Samoyed dogs keep cool during hot weather

The first thing that happens when the temperature starts getting warmer is that Samoyed’s coat begins to shed. Their coat will shed the maximum during springtime. Even though it is very tiresome and time-consuming to clean up their fur, it is very much necessary to help them cool down.

If your Samoyed’s fur is still thick during the summer, then you could trim it a little. If you do not know how to do this yourself, you can check our guidelines here. Also, it is never recommended to shave a Samoyed. 

Most dogs, when it starts getting hot, begin to pant more. If you notice that your Samoyed is panting more than usual, do not worry. This is just something they do when they need to release excess heat. When your dog begins to pant excessively, give them water immediately and take them somewhere where there is shade.

When the weather is warm, your Samoyed will automatically sleep somewhere with proper ventilation and cool air. This is usually next to a window or under the AC. Most Samoyeds do not like sleeping on a bed as they become too warm. They usually prefer the cold floor, or in extreme conditions, the bathroom floor.

Samoyeds also change their sleeping position according to the weather. If they are feeling too warm, they prefer to sleep with their stomachs facing out to let heat escape more easily. Heat readily escapes from their stomachs and the soles of their feet.

How to cool down your Samoyed?

There are a few things you can do as a Samoyed owner to help them cool down. One of them, as mentioned above, is to trim their coat. It is not advised to shave their coat all together but a quick trim or thinning could help them get through the summer temperatures.

Another thing you could do is watch out for the times you take them outdoor. Try to take them for their playtime in the early morning or late evening. The temperature is much colder during these times of the day. You could also watch that your Samoyed does not step on the concrete floor as it tends to heat quite a lot during summer. And do not forget to take a bottle of water for your Sammy to drink during morning/evening strolls.

Always use an AC indoors if you want to keep your Samoyed cool. If the temperature gets too hot, you could also pour some water on them or use a wet towel. A wet Samoyed is less likely to overheat.

One of the most important things to remember during the summer is to always have fresh, cool water for your Samoyed. Water is the key to help your Samoyed stay healthy and cool.

Should I shave my Samoyed during summer?

The answer to this question is no. Samoyeds fur is key to helping them regulate body temperature. As mentioned above, the white hairs reflect light preventing it from reaching their skin. The fur on a Samoyed also plays a key role in protection. If you shave your Samoyed, you risk them getting sunburnt or other worse skin infections.

How to know if my Samoyed is overheated?

If your Samoyed is overheated, you will notice them start to look uncomfortable and restless. They will pace and become agitated and restless. They may keep switching sleeping positions without finding a comfortable one.

Overheating also causes excessive panting. When they start doing this, give them some water. If it goes away then it is alright. If the panting continues, then they are most likely overheating. Whining and barking is also a common symptom of overheating. Since they are restless, they might begin barking and whining. They will also become lethargic with no desire to move around or eat food.

A good way to avoid overheating on a hot summer day is to take your Samoyed swimming. Since they are herd dogs, they will enjoy the water and good exercise.

What are the signs your Samoyed is dehydrated?

The signs for overheating and dehydrating are quite similar. In addition to the panting and restlessness, there are additional symptoms that signal that your Samoyed is dehydrated. The best way to tell if your dog is dehydrated is to do a skin test. If you pinch the skin of a Samoyed, it should come back to its original elasticity immediately. If it does not, then it means your Samoyed is dehydrated and needs water and shade immediately.

The gums, nose and eyes of your dog become quite dry when they are dehydrated. Usually, a dry nose is never a good sign. If you notice this, take them to the vet.

Always keep an eye on your Samoyed in the summer as severe dehydration can lead to death. You know your dog well so if you see your Samoyed acts a peculiar way, then do not hesitate to call your vet. You do not want your Samoyed to suffer so always make sure you have the upper hand when it comes to their health.


Samoyeds are a very good breed of dogs and can withstand both hot and cold temperatures. You can control the situation if it looks like it is getting too warm for them. Remember to always keep them hydrated. Some Samoyeds owners also fill their water bowl with some ice cubes to help them cool down. Also, remember not to leave your Samoyed outside for too long especially if it looks like the temperatures outside are too hot. If your Samoyed does want to stay out, make sure it has access to water and shade.


Related Questions:

At what temperature should I fix AC for my Samoyed?

Samoyeds do not have a problem with inside temperatures since it is relatively cooler inside. An optimum temperature would be at around 20-24 degrees Celsius. When your Samoyed comes from outside where the temperature is hot, you can turn the AC down for a few minutes then turn it back up to the optimum temperature. If your Samoyed has enough water to drink then they will be alright. If Samoyeds can exist in a place like Vegas, they can get through your summer.

Can your Samoyed get cold?

Since these dogs were originally bred in cold places, they can withstand very sub-zero temperatures. However, that does not mean you can take your Samoyed swimming in a frozen lake. Other than that, you will not find a cold enough temperature that your Samoyed will not survive. However, be careful of the path they are walking on. Some salts are not dog friendly and may injure your Samoyeds paw. Get your Samoyed a pair of boots if you are planning to take them hiking or for a walk in the park.