samoyed bathing

How Often You Should Groom a Samoyed

Samoyed Grooming Tips

If you see pictures with Samoyeds, the first thing you notice is their thick white fur. Grooming your Samoyed is one of the essential aspects you need to consider before getting a Samoyed. Their thick fur usually sheds during spring to prepare the canine for the hot summer.samoyed bathing

Their coat has two layers of fur, an inner insulating layer, and the outer guard hair. The inner layer is made up of shorter but denser hair, and the outer layer is made up of longer strands. The inner layer is very soft and feels like soft wool, and the outer layer is rougher with harsher texture. If you want your Samoyed to have that lush coat of fur, you must put time and effort to groom it frequently.

Everyone loves being clean and well-groomed. The same goes for dogs. They are also happier if they have a clean, healthy coat of fur. It is also a perfect time to bond with your dog. Brushing and grooming them generally can help them feel more relaxed and pampered. Also, keep in mind that a clean dog means a clean house. Brushing your dog frequently will reduce the amount of fur that sheds around the house. Frequent grooming also reduces the amount of dirt a dog can bring inside the home.


Samoyed Puppy Grooming

Grooming usually begins at the puppy stage. It will help if you start grooming your puppy at a young age. This way, they can get used to the process, especially since Samoyeds need regular grooming.

When should you begin grooming your Samoyed puppy?

Grooming a Samoyed should start at a young age. 10-11 months is an excellent time to start bathing your Samoyed puppy. However, remember to be gentle and patient with them in the beginning. Usually, Samoyed puppies do not need very frequent baths; once in 6-8 months will be sufficient.

How to bathe your Samoyed puppy?

Before you begin bathing your Samoyed puppy, make sure you have everything you need.

  1. Lay down a towel in your bathroom to dry off your puppy. Also, keep the hairdryer plugged and ready to go.
  2. If your puppy is still young, there may be a chance that they may be anxious about water. The best way to bathe a puppy is to put it in a bathtub. This will give you good control in case your puppy becomes fidgety and restless. Start by putting your puppy in the tub and slowly filling it with lukewarm water. It will help your puppy adjust to the water temperature. Fill the tub to the ankle length of your puppy. Try to use a non-slip mat on the tub so that your puppy does not slip.
  3. You could also put some cotton balls in their ears to prevent water from entering. If your puppy begins to get anxious, try calming them down by talking to them or giving them a treat. Treats are very important during a bathe, especially when the Samoyed is still a puppy. Keep feeding them their favorite treats throughout the bathing process.
  4. Another essential thing to remember is the temperature of the water. Use lukewarm water and make sure it is not too cold or too hot. A good tool to use while bathing them is a shower head attachment. You can control the speed and intensity of the water using the shower wand. It also helps reach easier the areas under the puppy. Also, make sure to wet your puppy thoroughly. The Samoyed has very thick fur, so make sure that the water gets through the fur layer to the skin.
  5. Start wetting the puppy from the body first. Since wetting the head may be the most uncomfortable for the puppy, it is best to wet their bodies first thoroughly. bathing samoyedAfter your puppy is thoroughly wet, you can massage in the shampoo. Lather the shampoo across the body first then get to the head. Make sure you are gentle and try to use open palms to massage the shampoo. When it comes to lathering the head, make sure you make it as comfortable for your puppy as possible. Try not to be too rough, especially around the eyes, ears, and mouth region.
  6. Before you start rinsing your puppy, make sure to check the temperature of the water again. If you are using a shower wand, start rinsing from the head. That way, the soapy water will trickle down his body and prevent going over the same area twice. Make sure you rinse all the shampoo off or till the water runs clear.
  7. After rinsing, your Samoyed will shake off the excess water, but make sure you towel dry them properly before blow-drying them. When you begin to blow dry, make sure you keep the dryer as far as possible from their fur. It will prevent any accidental burns on their skin. Also, be slow and help your puppy get used to the dryer first.
  8. After the top layers of fur have started drying off, you can use a brush to dry off the inner layers. You can use any de-tangler brush to break up the shorter hair. This will make sure that the warm air is reaching the inner layers. It is crucial to thoroughly dry your Samoyed because if you leave them damp, they might smell later. Since the Samoyed has such thick fur, you should double-check that all those smaller hairs in the inside get thoroughly dry. Once they are thoroughly dry, you can brush the fur upwards to get them that very fluffy look. If your Sammy stinks even after a bath, check out this article.

How often should you bathe a Samoyed?

Frequency of bathing your Samoyed depends on many things, one of them is the dog’s age. If your Samoyed is the type of dog who likes to play around with mud, you must bathe them often to keep them clean. Daily brushing will remove most of the debris stuck to your Samoyed’s fur. If you brush them every day, they will not require a bath very often. However, if your Samoyed is a relatively clean dog then they can go up to 6 months without bathing.

As your Samoyed grows older, they will require bathing more often. Instead of bathing them every 6 months, you can slowly start to increase it to 3 months. It is essential to keep your Samoyed clean if you want to have a healthy dog.

What is the best place to bathe a Samoyed?

It is not necessary to only bath a Samoyed in a bathtub. For the first few baths, a bathtub is a good choice for more control over the puppy. Lay a rubber mat on the bottom of the tub to prevent your dog from slipping. These dogs also shed a lot, so make sure you put something to cover the drain and prevent it from clogging.

However, as the dog starts to grow, they get more used to grooming. Even though the bathtub is the most convenient place to bathe your Samoyed, you can try other places where your dog feels comfortable enough. A few suggestions are below:



The backyard is a good place to bathe your Samoyed, especially on a warm, sunny day. Make sure your yard is large enough, and you have access to a hose. Also, make sure that you are not bathing your Samoyed on the grass. When bathing your Samoyed, the grass will get wet and muddy, and this will ruin all the cleaning you have done. Put your dog on a concrete floor and bathe them there.

Another thing to keep in mind is distractions. If your Samoyed is very well-trained, then this may not be a problem. The backyard has a number of things that might distract your Samoyed. If they see a cat passing by while bathing, then the odds of running after the cat are very high.



If you have access to a kiddie pool, it will be a great way to bathe your Samoyed. It makes disposal of the water easier than you can pour out the water after you are done. It is also easy as you can put the pool next to the hose and use it.

Another thing you need to consider is the outside temperature. Do not bathe your Samoyed outside during colder time. Even though these dogs can withstand freezing temperatures, it is not recommended.


Grooming table

A grooming table is basically a table where you can safely fasten the dog to the table for grooming activities. These may include brushing, clipping nails, trimming hair, etc. you can also bathe your Samoyed on a grooming table if it is convenient. The table should not be too high as it would be difficult to reach the tops of your Samoyed. It should not be too small that your Samoyed falls off it.

A grooming table is not necessary, but most professional groomers use one as it is more convenient.

Do Samoyeds smell?

Samoyeds do not usually have that dog smell. If your Samoyed is dirty, however, they will have a musty smell. This is why hygiene is very important when it comes to canines. Also, if the shampoo is not rinsed off after bathing properly, the Samoyed might have a fishy smell.


How often should you brush a Samoyed?

As already mentioned, Samoyeds are very fluffy. They have a very thick coat of fur covering their bodies. The thicker the coat, the more extensive the shedding would be. This is why brushing your Samoyed is so essential. Most Samoyed owners recommend brushing your Samoyed every day. Daily brushing significantly reduces the amount of hair that falls around the house. Another reason for regular brushing is to minimize tangling. The outer layer of fur is considerably long, which means it could get tangled. Brushing also removes most of the debris that can get stuck on the fur of the Samoyed. Frequent brushing will also reduce the number of baths you have to give your Samoyed.

There is no need to give a deep, thorough brush every day. During the seasons, brushing for 10 minutes a day is enough. Over-brushing can lead to irritation of the skin. A deep brush session can be done once in two weeks if you brush lightly every day.

How to choose a brush for your Samoyed

If you think that you can use any brush on your Samoyed, you are mistaken. There are three main types of brushes you should have if you own a Samoyed. A slicker brush is the most commonly used one. A highly recommended slicker brush is the Chris Christensen Slicker Brush. It has fine wires which are close to each other and help to remove tangles and prevent mats. When choosing a slicker brush, make sure you choose the correct size with flexible handles. It will not pull on the hair too hard and cause your Samoyed discomfort.

The second type of brush you should own is a rake. This brush is used to take off all the dead hairs and dirt on the inner layer of fur. The brush is flat and shaped like a razor blade to make sure it gets into those inner layers of fur. Before buying a rake brush, make sure that the pins are as long as your Samoyed’s hair length. In addition to these, getting a de-tangler spray is also important to make it easier to comb out the tangles and mats.

Another universal grooming tool that all dogs need is a flea comb. This is used to comb out and remove fleas from your dog. Fleas are every pet owner’s enemy as they can cause itching and irritation, and this sometimes leads to skin infections.

Essential grooming tools

Some essential grooming tools you will need for your Samoyed are a Pin Brush, which will help detangle your Samoyed’s hair. You will also need a Slicker Brush, Shedding comb and undercoat rake. Try to get a high velocity hairdryer to dry your Samoyed’s hair. If the hair is left damp, it may lead to bacterial growth and ski infections. It is also necessary to get nail clippers to trim your dog’s nails.

Samoyed Brushing Technique

The brush you use is not the only thing to keep in mind while grooming a Samoyed. The technique is also important to keep the tangles out and make sure you get a well-groomed Samoyed.

The best technique for brushing is line brushing. Line brushing involves intense brushing of the coat, till you reach the skin. Inline brushing, both the outer coat and inner coat are getting brushed.

To begin this brushing, make sure you put some de-tangler spray on the fur. Part the hair and brush down using the slicker brush. After you are done, comb that part of the hair and continue with the rest of the coat. This is a very time-consuming technique, but the best if you want a deep brushing.

Another brushing method involves removing tangles and mats from your Samoyed’s coat manually. If you see any tangles, then you can try to release them with your fingers. Separating the knots with your fingers is the least damaging to the Samoyed’s fur. If the tangles are stubborn, make sure you use some detangler spray and try to break them off with the slicker brush. If the tangle is still not released, then either cut them or shave them off.

Areas prone to tangling

1. The ears are one of the areas where hair gets tangled often.

2. Another area is at the bottom, under the stomach.

3. The back of the legs also gets frequently tangled or matted.

4. The area under the arms and neck are also prone to tangles.


Do Samoyeds need haircuts?

Samoyeds do not necessarily need haircuts. As previously mentioned, a Samoyed’s coat is made up of two layers of hair. An undercoat of short, dense hair and the outer coat of longer, guard hair. The hair that is being shed is the undercoat. The guard hair has a much longer lifespan. This is because it is necessary to protect a Samoyed from the cold Siberian weather where these dogs were initially bred.

It is why trimming the Samoyed’s hair is not the best choice. It may result in removing some guard hair, which is necessary for the Samoyed. The guard hair helps regulate their temperature, protects them from dirt and water. If you want, you could trim your Samoyed’s fur to give them a cleaner look. 

Some areas of the Samoyed’s body (like hocks) require regular trimming. This is the area in the rear legs, above the feet that might get easily dirty. Keeping the hair in that area short can help keep your Samoyed cleaner. The area under the anus is also one that you should trim. Another area is in between the pads of the feet. All the trimming can be done at home, but make sure you are careful when using the scissors. When trimming the hair on the feet, be especially careful as the pads take time to heal.

If you do not know how to trim, then take your Samoyed to a professional groomer. 

Trimming a dog can be very tricky, so be very careful when you do. Your Samoyed might want to play with you or the scissors, which may cause some accidents. Keep in mind to always cut the hair parallel to the Samoyed’s body.

How can you groom a Samoyed at home?

If you can groom your Samoyed at home, then you can go ahead and do it. It will save you some money and also let you have some bonding time with your Samoyed. Grooming essentially includes brushing, bathing, trimming, clipping, etc. However, some owners tend to make a lot of mistakes when it comes to grooming their Samoyed.

As mentioned above, brushing your Samoyed is the most important grooming process. You must brush them every day. Use the brushes to comb out matted hair. 

Trimming can also be done at home. It will help your Samoyed look cleaner and better kept. But be careful with the scissors. Incorrect trimming can accidentally remove the Samoyed’s guard hair.

When it comes to bathing your Samoyed, remember that less is more. Samoyeds do not require bathing very often. If you bathe them too much, the protein and oils in their fur will be washed out and may lead to irritation. Make sure you thoroughly rinse out the shampoo from the Samoyed’s fur. Try not to brush your Samoyed if their fur is still wet. Dry them properly first, then you can use a brush.

Remember to trim their nails as well. If their nails get too long, they may cause the Samoyed some discomfort. When you hear the Samoyed’s nails clicking against the floor, that is when you know you should trim them. If you do not know how to trim their nails, then take them to a professional groomer. You might hurt your Samoyed if you trim their nails too short.

However, suppose you do not have any experience in grooming a dog. In that case, it is better to take them to a professional groomer. Grooming can be difficult as dogs can get squirmy and will not sit still. A good trick is to use a lot of treats. They will associate grooming with getting treats. This will improve their behavior while grooming. However, if you can afford it, take them to a professional.

How much does it cost to groom a Samoyed in US and UK?

There are many options available when it comes to professional grooming a dog. The cost of grooming depends on several factors. The size of your Samoyed is the most important one when it comes to full service. In the US, the average range based on weight for professional grooming for a Samoyed is $40-$50. The weight and size will also depend on the gender of the Samoyed. For females who are usually smaller, it may cost less to have them groomed. Full-service grooming usually includes bathing, hair drying, hair brushing, hair trimming, haircuts brushing their teeth, trimming their nails, and cleaning their ears and eyes. Apart from these services, you can also get certain treatments like flea and tick treatments, facials, etc. Costs of different Samoyed grooming services are given below:


Grooming service          

Price in US     

Price in UK

Trimming nails



Trimming and buffing nails



Brushing teeth



Refreshing breath



Cleaning ears






Trimming fur around face, feet and fanny



Treatment for fleas and ticks



Painting nails




There are options to get a mobile groomer to come to your home and groom your dog. They may charge around $75 for an average-sized dog like a Samoyed. You can search for a dog groomer in your area online. Make sure you look for certified groomers. This will help assure the credibility of your groomer. Organisations like the National Dog Groomers, Association of America (NDGAA), International Pet Groomers Inc (IPGI) and International Society of Canine Cosmetologists (ISCC) are some noteworthy ones which offer these certifications.

Another option for someone who wants to groom their dog themselves and do not have space for it is Self Service Grooming. A self-service dog grooming is basically a visiting a groomer but doing the grooming yourself. These will cost you around $11-$23. It is a good option if you want to learn how to groom your Sammy as the workers usually assist you. Another advantage is that you get access to all the products and tools to make it easier to groom your dog.


Related questions

1. Are Samoyeds high maintenance?

If you really want to get a Samoyed, you have to put in the effort to make them happy and healthy. Samoyed can be considered high maintenance when it comes to grooming and the exercise needed. It is necessary to brush them every day if you want them to have clean, white, and healthy fur. Also, they must exercise every day. These dogs are very active, and a common problem with Samoyeds is that they become easily overweight. To prevent that, they need to get lots of vigorous exercises every day. So, Samoyeds can be considered a high maintenance dog, but if you really love them, they are worth all the effort.

2. How can I maintain my Samoyed’s white fur?

The first, most important grooming tip to help maintain your Samoyed’s fur is to brush them regularly. It would help clean all the dirt stuck on the fur. If your Samoyed’s fur starts to turn yellow, try using a whitening shampoo. These are usually purple in color, which helps cancel out the yellow tones in the fur. When using this shampoo, it is essential to lather it up properly and leave it on for 5 minutes. If your Samoyed’s fur is stained, try using an enzymatic shampoo. Enzymatic shampoo should be used only on the stained areas. These should also be left for 5 minutes on the fur to remove the stain completely. Tear stains are also common in Samoyeds. If the stains remain after the above steps, then you can use a designated tear stain remover to clean the stain.

3. Can I shave my Samoyed’s fur?

The only reason which may require you to shave a Samoyed is for medical emergencies. Your vet might recommend it if your Samoyed has a skin infection or some other disease. However, if you think to shave your Samoyed to help them beat the summer heat, do not do it. A Samoyed’s coat is very important to help them regulate their body temperature. Their bodies have their own mechanism to cool themselves down if it is too hot. Shaving your Samoyed might cause them to get sunburned and maybe skin infections.

A Samoyed’s fur is there to protect them against dirt, water, and many other things which is why shaving it off will be harmful. Also, it may take up to three years for the fur to grow back. When it does, it may grow back incorrectly.

4. How to make sure my Samoyed’s fur is dry after bathing?

After bathing your Samoyed, it is very important to dry them off thoroughly. If your Samoyed is kept damp, then there will be chances of fishy smell. To check if your Samoyed is properly dried, use a brush and a blow-dryer to get into the fur’s inner layers. When using the dryer, blow it across the hair. If the hair looks straight and seems loose and free of knots, then it is dried. Dry hair should not look wavy or tangled. Dry coat will easily get blown when using the blow-dryer. If the hair seems stuck together and matted, then it is not dried. You can use a brush to separate the hair properly and let the warm air seep through.